Why is branding so important? And what on earth is a brand strategy?

is a brand strategy

Welcome to the buzzing world of business, where understanding branding is not just smart, it's absolutely essential! Whether you're just starting out or have a few years of the business under your belt, getting your branding and brand strategy spot on is key to not just surviving but thriving.

The Magic of Branding

Think branding is just about a gorgeous logo and trending colours? Think again! Branding is the beating heart of your business's identity. It's the way customers see, feel, and gab about your products or services. It’s about crafting a memorable vibe, fostering loyal fans, and setting yourself apart from the constant din of daily chatter. It's not merely catching the eye; it’s about keeping it and turning it into a loyal and long-lasting relationship.

Demystifying Brand Strategy

A brand strategy is like your business’s very own North Star. It’s the grand plan that includes your spot in the market, who you're nattering to (your audience), and the clever tactics you'll use to keep them engaged and coming back for more. This strategy is the backbone of your business goals, helping you decide what to do (and what not to bother with). A top-notch brand strategy involves:

  1. Brand Purpose: This is why your business gets out of bed in the morning, and it should ring true for your team and your customers.

  2. Brand Positioning: It's how you want the world to see your brand. A crisp positioning statement makes sure everyone’s singing from the same hymn sheet, inside and outside your business.

  3. Brand Values: The beliefs that steer your business ship. Customers these days love to flock to brands that share their own values.

  4. Audience Analysis: Knowing your audience like the back of your hand helps tailor your brand's chat and look to make the biggest splash.

  5. Consistency: Keeping your look, message, and customer experience steady means your brand becomes as recognisable as a well-loved cuppa.

  6. Long-term Plan: Think of your brand strategy as a marathon, not a sprint. It needs a regular once-over to keep it fresh and fab.

Why Branding is the Secret Sauce of Business Success:

In a market as packed as a major city during the morning rush, a strong brand stands out more vividly than the brightest neon sign. It’s not all about what you sell; it’s about the feels you create. Branding is a huge part of the customer journey and can make or break decisions.

Plus, with the world going digital, your brand’s online personality is just as important as its real-world presence.

Branding and a solid brand strategy are the bread and butter of your business’s identity and success. They shape how you’re seen in the market and are crucial in building customer loyalty and growing your business. By getting to grips with these nifty concepts, your business can navigate the choppy waters of competition and create a lasting bond with your audience.


Brand Strategy Decoded: Your Workbook to Crafting a Magnetic Brand

A 50-page comprehensive workbook that will take you through the step-by-step process of creating a successful brand strategy.

Claire Jakstas

Brand Designer and Squarespace specialist


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